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Let’s Conserve and Save

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Let’s Save and Conserve the Environment

Do you also care about our air, the landscape, and how much we pay for electricity?

Here are a few examples:


How much electricity do selected types of Lightway save during their lifetimes, a minimum of 45 years?

  • 1 installed light pipe set of LW 400 HP Crystal
    saves on average 26,000 KWh.
  • 1 installed light pipe set of LW 800 Silver
    saves on average 66,000 KWh.


How much CO2 is not released into the atmosphere over an entire lifetime of selected types of Lightway?

  • 1 installed light pipe set LW 400 HP Crystal
    saves on average 25 tons of CO2.
  • 1 installed light pipe set of LW 800 Silver
    saves on average 66 tons of CO2.


How much coal doesn’t have to be mined, transported and burned over the lifetime of selected types of Lightway?

  • 1 installed light pipe set of LW 400 HP Crystal
    saves on average 41,000 Kg of coal.
  • 1 installed light pipe set of LW 800 Silver
    saves on average 106,000 Kg of coal.

Maybe it occurs to some to ask how much energy it takes to produce such a light pipe, and if that energy and its waste products are compensated by its savings during its lifetime. Some types of light pipes are produced from materials whose lifetime is only a few years and yet their production requires the same amount of energy as Lightway. From the environmental viewpoint, it is questionable whether to install such imperfect light pipes at all. Their lower performance and short lifetime aren’t able to erase the carbon footprint which their production has set on our earth. Lightway annually produces, sells and installs thousands of sets of light pipes to satisfied users who often don’t even realize the greater implications of their decision to buy Lightway and what this decision is doing for the Earth. We therefore thank them for doing so and not only helping themselves, but helping all of us on the Earth to breathe better air and continue to have a beautiful environment.






*Povinný údaj

Chápeme, že chcete vědět cenu, protože cena je důležitá. Firmy, které Vám chtějí pouze prodat světlovod, Vám dají ceník. Lidem, kterým záleží na tom, aby Vaše místnost měla dostatek denního světla, se Vás nejdříve zeptají na Vaše představy a požadavky a až potom Vám navrhnou správný světlovod, sdělí jeho cenu a vy se sami rozhodnete. Stejně tak postupujeme i my. Vyplňte tak níže uvedený formulář a my Vás budeme obratem kontaktovat.

Chci vědět cenu světlovodu





*Povinný údaj

Chápeme, že chcete vědět cenu, protože cena je důležitá. Firmy, které Vám chtějí pouze prodat světlovod, Vám dají ceník. Lidem, kterým záleží na tom, aby Vaše místnost měla dostatek denního světla, se Vás nejdříve zeptají na Vaše představy a požadavky a až potom Vám navrhnou správný světlovod, sdělí jeho cenu a vy se sami rozhodnete. Stejně tak postupujeme i my. Vyplňte tak níže uvedený formulář a my Vás budeme obratem kontaktovat.

Video - 7 tips when choosing lightpipe

We have prepared a video series for You „7 things You should know when choosing a lightpipe“ For sending all 7 videotips only need to disclose Your email: 7 things You should know when choosing a lightpipe

